
Cuba and the establishment of the GATT

Answer to a weekend´s brain-teaser I posted in LinkedIn: 
Where and when was the photograph taken?
- Havana (Cuba), November 1947
What was the event? 
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment for the establishment of an International Trade Organization (ITO).
The ITO was not established, but the conference set the basis for the establishment of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1948.

Take care!


Thank you to all Trade Finance professionals

Dear Friends, I hope that you are all well. Amongst those professionals that are still travelling to work in order for the system to run smoothly, lets also thank those that work in the trade finance departments of companies and banks. The digitization of those trade instruments that support international trade, is not complete. In the meantime, under a documentary credit, for example, exporters still have to send original documents that are received and checked by a bank, before being forwarded to the issuing bank and the importer. My thanks to all these professionals.

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